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【There are many steep slopes, stairs, and gaps.】

Himeji Castle has many slopes and stairs.
It’s like climbing a small mountain to get to the main keep.

Please wear comfortable clothing.

For safety, wheelchair users must be accompanied by about three experienced caregivers.

There are no elevators in the castle tower or turrets.
Although there are handrails, the stairs are very steep and narrow.

Please note that wheelchairs are not accessible inside buildings such as the main keep and turrets.
【Notification for opening hours during the year end and New Year holiday】
≪Dec 29th. 30th.≫ Closed.
We look forward to seeing you here.
【Notification of a free admission day】
Himeji Castle offers a free admission to everyone on Wednesday, 11th December, 2024. It’s the commemorative day when the Castle was registered on the list of UNESCO’s World Cultural Heritage Sites. We sincerely look forward to having you visit us.
【히메지성 견학 안내문】

①히메지성 천수각.니시노마루등 건물안은 나무바닥으로 신발을 벗고 입장합니다.
추위나 맨발이 걱정되시는분은 두꺼운 양말이나 실내 슬리퍼등을 준비해주십시요.

②히메지성 건물안은 신발을 벗고 입장합니다.
벗은 신발을 넣을 비닐봉지를 건물입구에서 준비하고 있지만 환경보전을위해신발을 넣을수있는 에코백이나 비닐봉지등을 가져와 주시길 부탁드립니다.

【Notice】Full resumption of Himeji Castle English Guided tours!

Himeji Castle has resumed English Guided tours for a limited number of days since Nov12th(Sat.)and, we are pleased to announce that the tour will fully resume on Mar.1st(Wed.).
We're looking forward to having you join us!

Everyday ! ① 10:00 ② 13:00


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